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Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Israel ambitious Build Nuclear Power Plant

Israel ambitious Build Nuclear Power Plant - Israel has been carrying out feasibility studies for a year to support its ambition to build nuclear power first in 2025.

Head of the Israeli Infrastructure Ministry Shaul Tzemach said in Jerusalem, Wednesday, Tel Aviv step was intended to reduce Israel's dependence on fossil fuels.

In an interview with Reuters, Tzemach said that a feasibility study to help it decide how best to achieve development targets first nuclear plant by 2025.

Israel plans to build nuclear power plants that have had first announced in an energy conference in Paris this March.

Zionist state that was built on land that Palestinians now have two reactors, the Dimona facility in the Negev desert and the research reactor at Nahal Soreg Tel Aviv.

Nuclear reactor in the Negev desert were widely suspected of producing nuclear weapons and closed to international inspections while the Nahal Soreq research reactor open to inspection.

Earlier, Israeli Infrastructure Minister, Uzi Landau, said that as many as 7.5 million people for the people of Israel is a supply of coal-fueled electricity and natural gas imports and local.

He said, though capable of building nuclear reactors independently, Israel chose to work with other countries in realizing that ambition.

Landau said, Israel could build a civilian nuclear reactor without the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or sign the Treaty of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

During this Tel Aviv to be ambiguous in nuclear matter because he did not confirm or deny about the ownership of nuclear weapons.

Answering the question of how Israel build its nuclear power plants without signing the NPT, Shaul Tzemach said his government has several options.

One is opsinya cooperate with NPT signatory countries, such as France, he said.

According to Tzemach, nuclear power Israel's first to be built in the Negev desert region called Shivta, is targeted to produce a thousand megawatts of electricity until 1500.

Reactor technology to be used is the nuclear energy system "fourth generation", he said.

The technology experts say the new year 2030 there are safer, cheaper, more efficient, and lower risk of proliferation, he said.

In Israel's nuclear history, France has a part in helping to build Tel Aviv Dimona nuclear reactor in the 1950s.

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Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

China Astronauts Prepare Two Women

China Astronauts Prepare Two Women - China has selected the second wave of astronauts includes three men and two women, and for the first time women in the country's bamboo curtain is ready to join the space mission.

Two female astronaut was an air force pilot from the liberation army (PLA), and likely will take part in China's space laboratory in the future, said Zhang Jianqi, a former deputy commander of China's manned space program.

"In selecting, we impose the same requirement for every candidate both men and women, but the difference must have been married women because we believe a married woman is physically and mentally more mature," Zhang said through an annual parliamentary session.

He revealed that, in theory, women were more qualified astronaut from their male partners in terms of endurance and caution.

China selects the first wave of 14 astronauts in the mid-1990s. So far China has sent six astronauts into space in 2003, including astronaut Zhai Zhigang walking in space in September 2008.

China plans to launch unmanned space module in 2011, which will be a decisive step to build a space station.

The government insists that China before the launch of Shenzhou-VII in 2008 that contains three astronauts to China is a peace mission in order to explore and create space for peace efforts.

"Shenzhou-VII mission is to use outer space for peace and the interests of mankind," said China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.

The main goal of the manned space mission of China to explore and create peace in space, which could push the national economy and benefit society.

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